Sanya Residential group of Ethnic Minorities of Li

Nishita Village is located in Hainan is where the Li people, an ethnic minority in China, labour and live. Thousands of years ago their ancestors migrated to the subtropical island of Hainan, and for a long time they have been living in the jungle in a close relationship with nature. The ancestors of the Li […]

Tartu Downtown culture center

Over the past hundred years, the historical traces left by Tartu seem to be within reach, waiting for people to touch. However, these histories lie underground like the roots of a tree. Our main challenge was to remain in close contact with history while preserving the surface structure. We understand that the essence of sustainable […]

Sanya Deepsea Museum and Sport Center

In the Jin Dynasty, Zhang Hua wrote in the Annals of Natural History, Volume 10,”The old saying is that the river and the sea are connected.In recent times, some people lived in the sea islets, every August there is a floating raft come. There was a young man who had a whimsical idea to build a […]

Foshan No.1 High School

A. Learning from Nature 1.Spirit of Place (Sangji Fish Pond) – The historical traces of the place give the space its qualities. The good ecological effect of the traditional Sangji Fish Pond conveys the green concepts of ecological protection and recycling, presenting a unique micro-ecological green space system that feeds generations of Foshan citizens. 2. […]

Shenzhen Eco-Bridge

The roots of the city come from nature, and while mankind continues to destroy the environment in order to develop, it is also depleting and damaging our ecosystem.   The concept of Roots of the Earth, based on the original soil of the site, grows a new type of urban ecological and structural space that grips […]

Foshan Primary School

尼采在“查拉图斯特拉如是说”中所提到的作为人寻求精神的三种状态的变化,从一只沙漠中负重的骆驼,到雄狮,在到孩童,描述了三种精神状态的递进。“孩子是纯洁,是遗忘,是一种新的开始,一个游戏,一个自转的车轮,可以获得其自己的世界,从不畏惧接触新的未来。” 日本作家河合隼雄“在孩子的世界里总是充满好奇,所以才向大人寻求答案,有时候则是进行一番思索,孩子们就这样积蓄知识,渐渐构筑起自己的人生观。” “学乐园”(Funtopia) 是启发儿童天性的空间组合模式,5-11岁的儿童根据自己的兴趣去探索和组合属于自己的学习方式,通过抽象性以及多变性的空间串联,在学习过程中刺激儿童的好奇心,并将这种好奇挖掘并融入到教学体系中,让儿童在自由的不轻易之间沉静在学习的乐趣中。学乐园空间本身就是一本展开的百科全书。尊重每个孩子的个体化世界。 A.“学乐园”注重学习的多样 (Funtopia for Diversity) 乐园的主题是学习,除了沉浸在教室内的传统学习方式外,儿童的需要更多元的学习方式,更多与社会活动接触跟自然接触,然而空间本身为各种学习方式提供平台,并通过形体的多样显露出来。例如在摄影工作室暗房制作相片,陶艺工作室中烧制陶器手工,在阅览室里读书,在植物园里学习蝴蝶标本制作,在舞蹈教室排练舞蹈等等,活动的空间形态比例,明暗关系,提供了各种可能性。通过社会上各种人才的引入参与空间,可以带给学生在各方面能力的提升。 B.“学乐园”关注自然的接触 (Funtopia for Nature) 对于自然的感知是乐园的另一大特点,通过大大小小的主题院落的植入,将各种不同的学习空间渗透到植物园中,并在各种空间的独立性上提供舒适度。院落的主题跟佛山当地易生长植物有关,并保留原有场地榕树,创造出狭长的榕树公园,在A1区的特色教学空间中,薰衣草,郁金香,银杏树,等主题植物园的介入,在科普与学习植物的同时,也提供更舒适的学习环境。B1区的屋顶种植园,可以培养小朋友的对于农作物的栽种兴趣,并连接了带有蝴蝶养殖的植物园穹顶区域,学习对于大自然生态链的认知。 C.“学乐园”中 需要抽象的留白 (Funtopia for abstraction) 简约与抽象的可供性,是美国心理学家詹姆斯吉布森开发了一种心理生态学方式,核心原则是在我们生活的环境中不仅包括了运动的方式,也包括了行动的可能性,这种可能性叫做行为的可供性。在荷兰的结构主义建筑师Aldo Van Eyck使用抽象几何形体的美学价值,使的游戏元素更加的开放与可调整,这种抽象的留白,留给儿童发挥自己的更大的想象力和创造力,更大天性的释放而不只是束缚于教条的规则。所以多变的几何原型空间,参与其中,带给孩子更多想象空间。 D.“学乐园”中 注重公共的叠加 (Funtopia for Superimpoisiton) 学乐园将所有的一层空间打通和串联,南侧A区设置特殊教学兴趣空间,例如美术教室,音乐教室,舞蹈教室等,作为基底(A1区),并穿插各种花园,广场,公园,通过中心广场,联通整个北侧图书馆和运动场区域,将跑道层抬高,将各种游戏运动空间设置在其下方,提供遮阳挡雨的活动设施,例如半室外游泳馆,篮球场等。2层平台作为架空层,再一次提供了各种活动操场和遮阳挡雨的半室外空间,叠加出双层的公共南北畅通的活动平台。形成室内,半室外,和室外空间,多元组合。而从2层以上设置传统教室空间。 E.“学乐园”中 强调社会的链接. ( Funtopia for Connection) 南北在1层和2层的串联,以及三层的教学楼3.5米宽的室外活动平台的串联是整体学乐园的物理连接。但我们更希望,学生的学习方式能跟社会活动多元连接,各种不同的兴趣小组的课设,会带来更为丰富的学习体验,和掌握更多的社会适应能力。学习领域被扩散到了更为广阔的天空。 F.“学乐园”中 回归乐趣的自由. (Funtopia for free and fun) 最终的学乐园,是想提供一种以玩中寻乐的方式带动探索式学习,一颗自由的个体心灵需要被引导和扑捉,在儿童的成长阶段中,探索自我的生活方式最为重要,形成一种更为独立思考的能力,和更多知识面的选择力,是在乐趣中寻中自由,去创造属于他们自己的五彩斑斓的梦。

Yongxing Bridge

The only expression of “ART” in architecture field, is not the spontaneous creation from designer during processing of design, but it will be reflection on the future urban space which they created, on the spontaneous activities with collective memory at the public domain. -Aldo Rossi. 1/2 Bridge The essence of 1/2 bridge will render diversification […]


Urban regeneration project: connecting the two cities of Gorizia and Nova Gorica by designing a common central area: the Europe Square – Piazzale Della Transalpina and the transcultural hub EPICenter. This crossborder Competition intends to address the problem of uniting a city once divided by a border which no longer exists as a physical barrier in today’s EU。 After […]

Turin Sport Citadel

Archipelago: The Sports Archipelago can be defined with two principal of dimensions: Regional vs local. Regional dimension: Based on the larger scale, with the urbanisation of Turin, the Mappano town is merged into a whole domain. As a result of the development of Juventus stadium, the sports culture and environment further evolve into the space […]

USA Utah Prison