Sanya Residential group of Ethnic Minorities of Li

Nishita Village is located in Hainan is where the Li people, an ethnic minority in China, labour and live. Thousands of years ago their ancestors migrated to the subtropical island of Hainan, and for a long time they have been living in the jungle in a close relationship with nature. The ancestors of the Li […]

Tartu Downtown culture center

Over the past hundred years, the historical traces left by Tartu seem to be within reach, waiting for people to touch. However, these histories lie underground like the roots of a tree. Our main challenge was to remain in close contact with history while preserving the surface structure. We understand that the essence of sustainable […]

Zhoushan Performance Theater

In the land of the cliffs of Shengshan Island, something alien from the sky descends, the metallic theater that shimmers with strange light is biting cold in the night, as if it were a relic from the world of the future, or as if it were from an alien planet, standing as cold and hard […]

Zhoushan Exhibition Center

The construction is suspected to be suspended above the pier of Temple Lake Island, with mist erupting from the bottom like life. The mysterious atmosphere filled the room and could not be described. Space convergence of people from all directions, peach blossom red, plum blossom white, cauliflower yellow. Each flower is in each person’s heart, […]

Zhoushan Restaurant

On the shore of Miaozi Lake, rocks, ruins, sun and beach, suddenly, a large, thin roof covered with rocks. Above the roof is the sky, and under the roof is tea, rice, oil and salt. Without boundaries, the realm of undertaking is no longer space, disintegrating the boundaries of direction, distance and physics, and divinity […]

Zhoushan Church

On the ancient island of flowers and birds, the auditorium breaks out from the depths of the earth and grows quietly, merging with the rocks, as if created by the earth’s own nurturing, emerging and blooming from an unknown time and space, combining ancient unknowns and mysterious power. The mountain rises here, the sea rolls […]

Sichuan Ya’an Country Bridge

The olfactory memory will make us remember the space more deeply. The form of the countryside bridge is gathered to the center, concave close to the river surface, Ya’an city flower osmanthus interspersed between the bridge, every year in September, October is the flowering season of osmanthus, the aroma will be gathered in the concave […]

Sichuan Ya’an Art Exhibition Center

Hushan Art Exhibition Center, lying on the water, overlooking the lake light, with the original power of the site’s light, the experience from the dim corridor to the central semi-open gathering space, and then to the “eye” crystal meditation space, the natural light brings the linear original driving force.The inlaid crystal meditation space, with different […]

Sichuan Ya‘an Sound Museum

The specific essence of the place is fed back to the mind through the “body sense” – smell, sight, hearing, touch, etc., which interacts with the spirit of the place, thus generating the “awe” of the perceived space. Space carries a mysterious primordial power that grows out of the site. In Ya ‘an, we transfer […]

Sanya Deepsea Museum and Sport Center

In the Jin Dynasty, Zhang Hua wrote in the Annals of Natural History, Volume 10,”The old saying is that the river and the sea are connected.In recent times, some people lived in the sea islets, every August there is a floating raft come. There was a young man who had a whimsical idea to build a […]

Foshan No.1 High School

A. Learning from Nature 1.Spirit of Place (Sangji Fish Pond) – The historical traces of the place give the space its qualities. The good ecological effect of the traditional Sangji Fish Pond conveys the green concepts of ecological protection and recycling, presenting a unique micro-ecological green space system that feeds generations of Foshan citizens. 2. […]

Super-Nature Lecture

2022-12-31 the founder of JOA Kai Wang gave a presentation about the “Super – Nature” for 2022 Shenzhen biennale

Shenzhen Eco-Bridge

The roots of the city come from nature, and while mankind continues to destroy the environment in order to develop, it is also depleting and damaging our ecosystem.   The concept of Roots of the Earth, based on the original soil of the site, grows a new type of urban ecological and structural space that grips […]

What will be future city – Soul, Body, Space

Solaris星将潜在的美好灵魂通过身体作为媒介以传递“爱”的方式投射在空间中,然而形成一群带有其相似引力空间故事的集合体。每一个空间都有可能独立存在,而又可能在未来时刻偶然的影响着另一个独立空间。 谱系学(genealogy)的逻辑思维代替传统探究编年史的线性理论(chronology) 归纳出灵魂,身体,空间三者之间的关系演变。允许其三者之间关联的偶发性,更系统的去理解三者之间在不同年代思想撞击下是如何产生。每一个事件包涵反映其发生的场景,相对不偶然,成为过去经验的总结,于此同时又成为了对于未来时间空间上所展开的条件。它们所组合成的强大磁场,构成巨大的Solaris星, 它具有足够的能量探究空间的未来可能性,但更多的条件来自于对于灵魂中所映射出的真善美的追求,通过身体作为媒介,传递出“爱”的方式来影响空间以及故事的发生,身体成为在精神世界与现实世界中的最终的媒介。 1.瓦尔登2号 Walden 2.0 居住在瓦尔登2号的青年人多产而快乐,他们主导着自己的生活。并没有一个真正的管理机构存在在瓦尔登2号中,但那一小群规划者是存在的。社区的每一位成员每天平均只需要工作4个小时,也可以自由选择工作场地。然而大部分剩余时间可以选择创造自我价值的活动。社区内并没有金钱体系,只有简单的积分制度,成员们可以用来购买更多的闲暇时间来培养自我的艺术创造。隐匿在森林的社区,去除了一切可能存在的政治体系,自由漂浮在大自然中。然而瓦尔登2号也映射了诗人梭罗将自身投射到森林中的一次孤独旅行,体验简朴的隐匿生活,将自我的渴望,失望,迷失,以及自我调整等种种生活情感写成生活的一部分。阴影下春天的沐浴,湖水开始解冻,沉浸在大自然所创造一种荒诞空间中, 它有可能是游牧的,可复制粘贴的,或者是更加游离在门外的精灵,它大口大口吞食着自由的空气。 2.狄尔尼所斯合唱团 Dionysus Choir “悲剧的诞生”中提到的太阳神象征视觉艺术偏向表现主义,而酒神象征内在无形的旋律。“醉境”和“梦境”分别形容酒神状态和太阳神状态。 太阳神产生了一种形式美、节制和对称、存在分析和分辨,象征形式主义和古典主义以及视觉艺术。而酒神精神来源古希腊的酒神祭。在酒神祭中,人们打破禁忌、放纵欲望,解除一切束缚,回归到原始的自然。这是一种痛苦与狂喜交织的非理性状态。“酒神状态的迷狂,它对人生日常界线和规则的破坏,期间,包含着一种恍惚的成分,个人过去所经历的一切都淹没在其中。酒神和太阳神都是一种艺术状态的描述,也是对于内和外的描述。狄尔尼所斯剧场形成了世界上最古来的剧场,在希腊悲剧的表演当日,演员会穿着兽皮做成的衣服在舞台中穿梭。狄尔尼所斯祭祀中演变出来了象征人性的希腊悲剧,然而参加演出和祭祀的人群外形为半人半兽的样子,长着山羊的角,以及马的耳朵和尾巴,腿也是羊腿或马腿的形状,擅于吹奏长笛。然而悲剧一词则由此形成 – 山羊的歌。(tragos+oriel) = tragedy 3.伍德斯托克狂欢 Woodstock Carnival 伍德斯托克发生在战后的60年代,它不仅仅代表了一场音乐节,更是体现在追求爱与和平道路上一场酣畅淋漓的回归生命和本体自由的反战运动。战争和杀戮是身体缺失和再一次想象空间的手段,然而音乐节使得身体有了新的空间寄托和灵魂归宿,它使得一切爱自由的身体又一次找回自我的灵魂,音乐节如同一颗拯救灵魂的种子,他的全部生命力量藉由这颗种子得到了彻底的绽放,除去了一切阴霾,在极度疯狂中,一片爱的海洋无秩序的涌动在奶牛场上。当身体的权利纯粹的归还给本体时,然而成为了具有权利的”赤裸生命”。 4.脑白质切断术 Lobotomy 在建造中城市,通过资本的网格所分割开的外部空间,脑白质切断术则成为创造这个灵魂孤岛的精准解读手法,讨论一种由内部空间与外部形势分离的方式,一种飘离的灵魂以场景形式组成的空间(自下而上)与现实形式(自上而下)的对立。每一个孤寂的灵魂都在寻找属于自己的角落,就像下城俱乐部中的赤身裸体吃生蚝的拳击手,他们笑声充斥着整个空间,仿佛在讥讽那些被网格所束缚的身体。“ 在大都会的群岛中,每一座摩天楼-当真正的历史不在场时,便发展出独自的即时的民间传说,通过脑白质切断术和分裂的双重隔断-将建筑的内外分离,内部发展至于小的自制王国之中,这样结构便可以将他们的外专注于形式主义,而他们的内部专注于功能主义。” 5.巴塔耶的浴场 Bathhouse from Bataille 浴场成为激发人本能的场域,空间充满性与死亡,更多身体潜能被激发,可能只有在真正通过身体去参与其中后,才会是体验到的诱惑,在寻找伴侣的途中充满着偶然。然而这跟罗马早期的浴场空间异曲同工,高耸的浴场成为宣泄与表达观点的场所,正如萨内特所形容当公民去除服装作为社会空间角色的伪装之后,更能表达人性的一面,在爱与被爱的场所中,我们能找回在现实生活中的迷失,回到最真实的内心,穿上服装后,代表了又回到了传统的现实生活中,形成密闭的身体控制。在巴塔耶的描述中- 赤裸与封闭状态对立,也就是与不连贯的存在状态对立。成为一种交流的状态,揭示出存在超越自我封闭、对可能达到的连贯性的追求。 6.拉拉杰 LalaJ 马可波罗给这个轻盈的城市起了个美丽的名字,她叫拉拉杰,她悬浮在空气中,跟蜘蛛网一样轻薄,她也悬浮在每个善良人的心里,可汗望着自己创造的沉重的城市机器,负重而臃肿,让每一个生活在其中的人窒息。然而当拉拉杰第一次出现在他的梦中时,他更沉醉在梦里,在梦里找到了他真正想要生活的美丽世界,一片漂浮的孤岛,她美丽的很通透,很自然,孤岛中每一株植物都可能拥有自己的名字。 7.愚人船 Ship of Fool 愚人船出自古劳的亚尔英雄传说。这些船载着,理想中的英雄,道德的楷模,社会的典范,开始伟大的象征航行。透过航行,船上的人即使没有获得财富,至少也会成为命运或其理想的化身。画家博斯则被列入了这个梦幻画派的船队之中。然而在所有这些具有浪漫色彩或者讽刺意味的船只中,只有愚人船是唯一真的。因为他们确实存在过。历史上愚人船承载着一些神经错乱的乘客从一个城镇航行到另个一个城镇。那些所谓的“疯人们”过着轻松自在的生活。漂泊的疯人,驱逐他们的行动以及他们背井离乡,都没有体现他们对于社会效用或者社会安全的全部意义。大量的去处疯人已成为一种流放仪式。一大群有趣的灵魂被禁锢在密不透风的岛上,他们听天由命,每一次出航都很有可能是最后一次。但那些疯人并不一定是社会的桎梏,然而所谓规则制定者反而可能才是真正的愚人。 Solaris星它令人着迷,它在爱的空间中不断的生长,并触发着更动人的故事。 

Nanjing Culture Center

The essence of architecture is the product of culture. The generation of architecture is connected with a deep structure, which exists in the collective memory accumulated by the urban history. It is a “collective unconscious”, which hides common values. , an archetypal identity in a specific culture.     – Aldo Rossi         “The […]

Shenzhen Biennale 22

可汗注视着他的帝国,被重压的大地和百姓,到处是财富,庞大的建筑,臃肿,紧张,沉闷。帝国再被它自身的重量压垮。但在他梦境里出现像⻛筝一样轻盈的城市。它是拉拉杰。月亮赐给它最罕⻅的特权,一切事物永无⽌境的成⻓力量。 拉拉杰是可汗⼼中轻盈的梦,也是每个都市⼈都需要寻找内⼼的庇护所。Gardens 成为城市中每个⼈⼼中拉拉杰,精神的寄托。在花园中,可以栽种自⼰喜爱的植物,给它起个可爱的名字,像是自⼰的新宠物。在花园中,可以创造自⼰的社交空间。在花园中,我们可以和其他不相识市⺠组合所喜欢的植物,放置自⼰喜欢的家具,一起喝杯午后的咖啡。在花园中,可以释放一天工作的压力,一种新的寄托。花园是周末聚会交友的好去处,⾮常吸睛。花园会出现在高楼林立的商业区,出现在密度过大的城中村夹缝中,出现在河道中,出现在无聊的屋顶上。花园越生⻓越多,它就像街边的便利店一样随处可⻅。花园融入了我们每日的生活中,参与到花园中,就像每天一杯续命提神的咖啡.花园建造的资⾦来源,源于每一位热爱生活的城市市⺠。未来的花园成为一种新的去中⼼化的经济体,带动更多商圈的参与性。花园中未来可以夹杂更多的城市公共功能,例如:书店,宠物店,理发店,展厅,图书馆,电影院。这些新型的功能联动,吸引了更多具有创意想法的年轻投资⼈的目光。我们新的品牌叫Garden, 我们有独立新的衍生品,⾐服,⻝品,餐具,甚至⻢桶垫。Garden成为未来数字货币的一个吸⾦的主⻆ – GardenCoin16. Garden 品牌未来与vr 技术结合,进入另一座星球。 Garden 进入元宇宙,可以更轻易自由的漂浮在城市上空。

Foshan Primary School

尼采在“查拉图斯特拉如是说”中所提到的作为人寻求精神的三种状态的变化,从一只沙漠中负重的骆驼,到雄狮,在到孩童,描述了三种精神状态的递进。“孩子是纯洁,是遗忘,是一种新的开始,一个游戏,一个自转的车轮,可以获得其自己的世界,从不畏惧接触新的未来。” 日本作家河合隼雄“在孩子的世界里总是充满好奇,所以才向大人寻求答案,有时候则是进行一番思索,孩子们就这样积蓄知识,渐渐构筑起自己的人生观。” “学乐园”(Funtopia) 是启发儿童天性的空间组合模式,5-11岁的儿童根据自己的兴趣去探索和组合属于自己的学习方式,通过抽象性以及多变性的空间串联,在学习过程中刺激儿童的好奇心,并将这种好奇挖掘并融入到教学体系中,让儿童在自由的不轻易之间沉静在学习的乐趣中。学乐园空间本身就是一本展开的百科全书。尊重每个孩子的个体化世界。 A.“学乐园”注重学习的多样 (Funtopia for Diversity) 乐园的主题是学习,除了沉浸在教室内的传统学习方式外,儿童的需要更多元的学习方式,更多与社会活动接触跟自然接触,然而空间本身为各种学习方式提供平台,并通过形体的多样显露出来。例如在摄影工作室暗房制作相片,陶艺工作室中烧制陶器手工,在阅览室里读书,在植物园里学习蝴蝶标本制作,在舞蹈教室排练舞蹈等等,活动的空间形态比例,明暗关系,提供了各种可能性。通过社会上各种人才的引入参与空间,可以带给学生在各方面能力的提升。 B.“学乐园”关注自然的接触 (Funtopia for Nature) 对于自然的感知是乐园的另一大特点,通过大大小小的主题院落的植入,将各种不同的学习空间渗透到植物园中,并在各种空间的独立性上提供舒适度。院落的主题跟佛山当地易生长植物有关,并保留原有场地榕树,创造出狭长的榕树公园,在A1区的特色教学空间中,薰衣草,郁金香,银杏树,等主题植物园的介入,在科普与学习植物的同时,也提供更舒适的学习环境。B1区的屋顶种植园,可以培养小朋友的对于农作物的栽种兴趣,并连接了带有蝴蝶养殖的植物园穹顶区域,学习对于大自然生态链的认知。 C.“学乐园”中 需要抽象的留白 (Funtopia for abstraction) 简约与抽象的可供性,是美国心理学家詹姆斯吉布森开发了一种心理生态学方式,核心原则是在我们生活的环境中不仅包括了运动的方式,也包括了行动的可能性,这种可能性叫做行为的可供性。在荷兰的结构主义建筑师Aldo Van Eyck使用抽象几何形体的美学价值,使的游戏元素更加的开放与可调整,这种抽象的留白,留给儿童发挥自己的更大的想象力和创造力,更大天性的释放而不只是束缚于教条的规则。所以多变的几何原型空间,参与其中,带给孩子更多想象空间。 D.“学乐园”中 注重公共的叠加 (Funtopia for Superimpoisiton) 学乐园将所有的一层空间打通和串联,南侧A区设置特殊教学兴趣空间,例如美术教室,音乐教室,舞蹈教室等,作为基底(A1区),并穿插各种花园,广场,公园,通过中心广场,联通整个北侧图书馆和运动场区域,将跑道层抬高,将各种游戏运动空间设置在其下方,提供遮阳挡雨的活动设施,例如半室外游泳馆,篮球场等。2层平台作为架空层,再一次提供了各种活动操场和遮阳挡雨的半室外空间,叠加出双层的公共南北畅通的活动平台。形成室内,半室外,和室外空间,多元组合。而从2层以上设置传统教室空间。 E.“学乐园”中 强调社会的链接. ( Funtopia for Connection) 南北在1层和2层的串联,以及三层的教学楼3.5米宽的室外活动平台的串联是整体学乐园的物理连接。但我们更希望,学生的学习方式能跟社会活动多元连接,各种不同的兴趣小组的课设,会带来更为丰富的学习体验,和掌握更多的社会适应能力。学习领域被扩散到了更为广阔的天空。 F.“学乐园”中 回归乐趣的自由. (Funtopia for free and fun) 最终的学乐园,是想提供一种以玩中寻乐的方式带动探索式学习,一颗自由的个体心灵需要被引导和扑捉,在儿童的成长阶段中,探索自我的生活方式最为重要,形成一种更为独立思考的能力,和更多知识面的选择力,是在乐趣中寻中自由,去创造属于他们自己的五彩斑斓的梦。

Wuhan Library 精神空间开始塑造人的社会行为。——马克皮姆罗特 人间乐园:荷兰艺术家希罗尼米斯 .波希在他四十岁时所创造的3联画中的一副,描述了广阔的人间乐园的奇幻景观,将乌托邦式的生活活动沉浸在野生的大自然中。 书乐园:是基于各种知识获取与接受而形成关于“书”的乐园,是以图书馆作为类型学研究出发所构成的一种新型的城市空间,书乐园看作是传统知识场域自然空间的延续,将城市智库与自然景观相结合,书本不仅是我们的精神食粮,我们也将知识的交流形式放大到整个城市空间,通过知识传播的不同形式,交流行为组合成多元的城市知识获取的平台,促使更丰富的知识被更多人接收,书乐园最终成为传播知识的城市智库。  在虚拟空间的超大信息量中,已经消解我们参与图书馆空间活动的动力,我们需要重新发掘构成书乐园三种特殊的城市空间价值:  1. 打破互联网的束缚,回归社交性公共空间。 2. 多元化知识学习空间组合。 3. 孕育在大自然里的书乐园。

Shanghai Bund Exhibition

The BUND Invisible: “The Grand Shanghailand Project ” exhibition is mainly divided into two parts: 2001 and 2021. Compared with 2001, the Grand Shanghailand Project 2021 is completed by a new generation of designers and artists. It consists of four parts: The Bund Waterfront Vitality Belt-The Bund Declaration, The Bund Avenue Public Square-Shanye Beach, Shanghai […]

Foshan Hongwang Headquarters

这是一个关于城市生活方式的重新塑造,是寻找现代城市公共性空间新的突破口,广州佛山宏旺总部大厦的设计,使我们提出了一个崭新的对于未来城市发展的课题,记录了城市发展与我们赖以生存的自然从对抗走向平衡的里程碑。解域式景观空间刺激了新型的城市空间再生,带领我们回归到更为生态的自然环境中。 一个城市自然生长的景观,将会成为城中最为解域化公共空间。然而乡村自然一直与资本的城市化形成抗争,自然是具有类似人一样的生命属性,从原始属性上植物跟人类活动密切相关,然而越原始的活动,关联性越强烈。城市文明化发展,迅速扩张经历了漫长的去乡村化的过程,大量的城市建设,使得所谓的文明社会越长越大,但我们离最原始的初心越来越远,一种原始的本质的在自然中生长的状态。所以现代化的资本主义,带来了一种回归本源的公共行为空间,定义为公园,公园的产生象征着人类开始向乡村化城市运动转变,具有城市属性的乡村化运动有别于原始的自然,更多是装点,滋润城市生活,并且凸显资本的一种享乐主义生活方式。然而解域式景观空间吸取了公园的原始性,在整体城市空间下蔓延开,形成一种城市空间与自然空间的物理上的平衡与相互补充,使得人工化更自然,也使得自然化更富有逻辑性。 很久以前读到拜伦的一首诗: 我不是活在自我之中 而是 我周围的一部分,并且至于我 高山是一种感觉,不是那些喧嚣 人类城市折磨人的声音。我能看见自然界没有什么可憎恶的,除了活着一个不情愿的环节, 将自己归入各种生物之中,当灵魂可以逃离时, 天空,山峰,起伏的平原 海洋或是星辰的交融并非徒劳 拜伦(George Gordon Byron)(1788-1824) 宏旺总部大厦总建筑面积41742平米,坐落在佛山市文涵湖小镇科技开发地块,未来更多的城市空间将与北侧的城市开放景观相互连接,然而整体建筑形体地上1-4层空间,将近1.5万多平米的建筑面积,被中心宏旺总部大堂切分成南北两个体量,然而通过体量的进一步分割,更为人性化的小尺度空间产生,赋予北部商业的空间,以及南部租赁办公的空间,两段空间都围绕中间一个开放庭院,整体形成人造山谷的气势,参与者行走在山谷中,好似在山谷中穿梭,伴随着异步异景的口袋公园景观的设置在不同标高中,走累了都可以坐下来休息,眺望远方并享受身边的美景,山谷空间被大自然所包裹,跟随自然融为一体。 水平生长的城市自然,顺应塔楼的的南侧空间延展向上,然而宏旺总部大厦的南侧立面被小尺度的庭院空间整合,并顺势而上,形成宏大的垂直花园的南向景观庭院群,每一层的微型景观为不同楼层的办公环境提供了舒适超氧化的工作空间,以及户外休憩空间。各层的天然植物层,并对办公空间高效的使用提供有效性的遮阴并且提高了室内的体感舒适度。并通过不同楼层楼梯的串联,沟通了不同标高的户外景观区域。垂直庭院的设计形成小气候的微环境景观带,植物与微生物共生构成一整套自然生态链。低碳式的生活方式架构出新型的未来办公场域,打破了传统钢筋水泥所包裹的拘谨压抑的办公环境,让人的身心更融洽拥抱自然,最终达到在自然中办公的另类空间模式。并且整套立面好似一幅城市自然山水画,提高了整体的城市界面的舒适度。 宏旺总部大厦的未来建设,提出了一个崭新以人为本的城市发展方向,当代城市是由自然与砖石水泥缝合而成,他们完美的编制在一起,所以城市表面就由柔软和硬朗两面构成。城市化的发展使我们越来越关注钢筋混凝土的建筑,而忽视了带给我们原始生命森林与植物。植物与水泥砖石在今日的城市中展开了博弈。越来越多的城市建设,消灭了带有原始泥土气息的场所,使得我们过于疲劳,过于暴躁,在追逐资本的道路上离初心越来越远。然而植物的柔软,灵活,随意,净化更是庇护城市,缓解城市暴躁情绪的一剂良药。回归原始,回归自然成为当今都市生活的当代乌托邦。我们从“心”做起,再一次的拥抱山谷,回归自然。

Yongxing Bridge

The only expression of “ART” in architecture field, is not the spontaneous creation from designer during processing of design, but it will be reflection on the future urban space which they created, on the spontaneous activities with collective memory at the public domain. -Aldo Rossi. 1/2 Bridge The essence of 1/2 bridge will render diversification […]

Minimal Condition of Architecture

There is nothing specific about the zone. It’s purely a place where a certain limit is set. You set a limit, you put a certain zone off-limit, and although things remain exactly the way they were, it’s perceived as another place. Precisely as the place onto which you can project your beliefs, your fears, things […]

Book BOX

BACKGROUND Songdo city aims to be an international trading hub. It will become a strong economic zone in yellow sea economic basin. Songdo IBD as “smart city” had 20,000 residents and around 12 billion invested in 2012. Until 2018 the population is growing into 50,000. Library buildings have assumed social and symbolic roles in societies […]

Seoul Biennale 2020

The changes in housing and in the land on which houses leave their imprint become signs of this daily life. ——“ The Architecture of the City” Aldo Rossi Housing is universal and durable topic,it also has a particularity. According to statistics from the United Nations, more than 50% of the world’s population lives in cities. […]

JOA Shanghai New Office

Shanghai is transitioning, and the contemporary cosmopolitan values of a city are superimposed over the fading text of the palimpsest. Located in the industrial zone’s Yangpu District, the architecture office JOA has opened their doors. During the 19th century, important factories, and shipyards, some built by German industrialists, defined a mechanistic landscape. Today, the area […]


Urban regeneration project: connecting the two cities of Gorizia and Nova Gorica by designing a common central area: the Europe Square – Piazzale Della Transalpina and the transcultural hub EPICenter. This crossborder Competition intends to address the problem of uniting a city once divided by a border which no longer exists as a physical barrier in today’s EU。 After […]

Cheongju Cityhall

The new Cheongju Cityhall is not the grand utopia of political version of “total planning” , but it is the future collage of citizen participation and observation. It accommodates the whole range of utopias in miniature. It should project the requirement of everybody.The “City Projection” reflects the value of the past, the present, and the […]

Gwangju Library

INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION OF CITY MAIN LIBRARY GWANGJU,S.KOREA Looking back at the evolution of library, globalization and digitalization is gradually eliminating  the identity of library. In the meantime, it also creates an opportunity for us to explore the new generation of future identity that represent the essence of a library——A hall of knowledge that integrate with the local […]

Warsaw Library

 “Libgen:Towards a new class of evolutionary libraries” international competition This model library is a fit for this city as an example for such fast paced development. The site selected for this project is located in the Mokotow district of the city>The challenge here is to design/complete rewrite the universal definition of public library and democratize education […]

Turin Sport Citadel

Archipelago: The Sports Archipelago can be defined with two principal of dimensions: Regional vs local. Regional dimension: Based on the larger scale, with the urbanisation of Turin, the Mappano town is merged into a whole domain. As a result of the development of Juventus stadium, the sports culture and environment further evolve into the space […]

Rwanda Chapel

The palace of Mwami in Rwanda shaped as a dome, become a symbol of local civilisation. The dome isthe important symbol to synchronise with local identity. In the meanwhile it also represents with publicand religious as new typology. Above the dome The space above the dome become a new public space for all races and […]

Shenzhen Biennale 20

The theme of the Bi-City Biennale this year is “Urban Interactions”, dedicated to two main sections,”Eyes of the City” and “Ascending City”, discussing the ever-changing relationship between urbanspace and technical innovation. In 2002, Nobel Prize-winning chemist Paul Crutzen published an article in Nature, for the first time officially proposed the concept of “Anthropocene”, referring to the […]

Iceland Guest House

Heima is the scenario to describe the condition when the home become important. The condition shows the harmonious surrounding by the peaceful landscape The shape of Pyramid aims to find the logic of the typology of architecture as local and to stand out in the wild. The Pyramid is the evidence. It is a prototype […]

Fairy Tale About Future

ROOM Eva works as a virtual garden maintainer in the Brave New Life (BNL), a major 5-senses reality multinational corporation, and the biggest, most powerful company in the world. National governments also move into the new reality years ago. Each months, Eva devises her salary into four. One forth to invest, one forth to buy […]

USA Utah Prison

Shenzhen Culture Kiosk

By subtracting a cone from a perfect cube with a 18m edge, we create the massing of the building and three openings to the plaza, the sea and the sky. The implementation of pure geometries expresses the order and power of human transformation of nature. The void left by the subtraction becomes the container of […]

Venice Biennale 2016

MVRDV designed a fully transparent kitchen as part of a satellite event for the Venice Biennale. The installation takes the typical modern day modular kitchen and looks at progressing the typology to improving the culinary experience and challenging the immense, yet generic, kitchen industry. The Infinity Kitchen wants to make better cuisine, better food preparation […]

Beijing Baita Temple Micro-renovation

“Yuan’er” (Courtyard), is the most essential element in the composition of the old town of Beijing. For a long time, “Yuan’er”contains all the possibilities of working, entertainment, leisure and dwelling for the local people. The space inside is usually very small, and living in it can be hard yet colorful. It is part of Beijing’s […]

Magazine Art and Design – 276

2022-12 JOA’s project of the 2022 Shenzhen Biennale as Topic of ” how to play the gardens – finding Lalaj” has been posted on the Magazine “art and design” No.276, at page 56-57.

Helsinki Museum

If we see the city of Helsinki as a house, this waterfront museum is conceived to be its veranda. Surrounded by the sea, greenery, historical buildings and urban squares, the given site has high quality panoramic viewing resources as its unique identity which, we think, should be kept for the public and strengthened by a […]

Seoul Tank Renovation

“New ideas need old buildings” – Jane Jacobs “The word ‘Loft’ originally referred to a generously large space with characteristic details, often in a former industrial building, which while retaining a certain degree of patina and decay was domesticated in a provisional way by its residents. – (City as Loft, 2012) Mapo oil-tank has lots […]

2022 Shenzhen Biennale

JOA participated the 2022 Shenzhen Biennale as Topic of ” how to play the gardens – finding Lalaj

WDCC Paris

JOA joined the exhibition of WDCC in Paris with topic of “the Bund invisble: the Grand Shanghailand Project”

Lost Focus Exhibition

在2022年3月12日,JOA开间建筑团队参加了上海主题为“失焦”的展览。 主要研究成都市国宁市场。 该提案与“自下而上”的方法相关联,以追踪声音而不是视觉对象,试图了解普通人日常生活的新城市背景。

HongWang Headquarters Break Ground

2022年3月3日,宏旺总部项目已破土动工,该项目将需要2年整封顶。 让我们一起期待我们在广东省佛山市的第一个42176平方米的在建项目。

Shanghai Rooftop

从2022年1月1日开始,JOA开间建筑团队在上海开展屋顶空间改造项目,旨在探索一个新的公共领域,其中包含最有趣的商业活动和360度城市景观。 未来将成为一种新的商业类型。

IFA Architecture Festival

在2021年12月9日,JOA团队设计的三个项目荣获2021年最佳公共建筑奖,华沙图书馆“书塔”; 都灵体育馆“运动‘孤岛’”和韩国市政厅“城市投影”三个项目。 与此同时,华沙图书馆“书塔”在IFA建筑设计节上荣获2021年公共建筑最佳建筑大奖!

Invisible Bund Exhibition


SABU 2021

2021年5月5日,JOA团队参加了在韩国首尔举行的SABU 2021.

JOA Shanghai New Office


2021 Best Public Building

2021年12月9日,JOA开间建筑设计的华沙图书馆“书塔”赢得了 IFA 节 2021 年公共建筑的最佳建筑奖!

2019 Shenzhen Biennale


Lecture in HMD


Lecture in Chenzhi Institution

16-08-2019, the Co-founder of JOA has given a presentation with topic ” Copy & Not Paste” in Shanghai Chenzhi Institution

Lecture in Shuishi Institution

2019年10月18日,JOA开间建筑联合创始人王开在上海水石国际做主题为“Copy &N ot Paste”的讲座

Libgen: Warsaw Library First Prize

2019年9月20日,JOA开间建筑团队设计的华沙图书馆“书塔”荣获 “Libgen:迈向新型进化图书馆”国际大赛一等奖!

Hongkong Pecha Kucha

2019年3月2日,JOA开间建筑联合创始人王开在香港 Pechakucha 发表演讲。

Suzhou University Lecture

2018年12月10日,JOA开间建筑联合创始人在苏州大学以“Copy & Not Paste”为主题做演讲

A Tale of Two Cities

the new research studio is launch on 2018, September, the topic is around to exploding the two city _Rotterdam and Shanghai, through typology methodology to explaining the city story and with new future intervention of Architecture, to find the new possibility of the future urban development and new living condition

Summer Workshop in Delft

20-08-2018 , 2018 Summer Workshop_Amsterdam Orphanage RenovationThe founders of JOA – Kai Wang with UPRO institution from Shanghai creates the new workshop for this coming summer 2018, the topic is focus on the rethinking the new condition of Amsterdam Orphanage for the new future environment.

UA Design Lecture


New Articles Publish

15-02-2018 , Rethinking the Public domainThe founders of JOA Kai Wang and Yinghao Lin publish the new articles – “What we learn from Acampada” and “Fall of the public domain” in CNKI and Magzine – “FANYI Proposal”Ⅹ about the topic of “Self – Cultivation in Public Space”.

Hornorable Prize

On 21-09-2017, JOA won the honorable prize for Huaxia primary school library competition

Delft Workshop

17-09-2017, UPRO Summer WorkshopKai Wang as co-founder of Just open architecture attend the workshop organized by UPRO institution from Tongji University, together with two Rotterdam young architecture office – DROM & Architecture for Urbanity (AFU)

Xima Laya Exhibition

2017年7月4日/ 后工业城市 – Utena(立陶宛)Just open architecture 正在研究和改造后工业城市——立陶宛的 Utena。 该地块位于未来城市将全力发展的多中心之一。 它位于湖周围的老城中心和啤酒、二手车和奶酪工业区之间。

Utena Urban Research

04-07-2017 / Post industry city – Utena ( Lithuania )Just open architecture is going to research and transform the post industry city – Utena in Lithuania. The property of site is located on the one of polycenters which in the future the city will be fully focus on developing. It is in-between the old city […]

Lecture in Tongji University

01-06-2017, The Co-founder of JOA – Kai Wang give the lecture at Tongji University about the topic “Architect Position”

World Architecture Review

On 28-01-2017, The project “a good prison” is featured in “ World Architecture Review’ magazine.

Sweden Private House

从01-06-2015, 瑞典隆德夏日度假住宅项目叫做“灼烧是种新的黑色”, 住宅别墅整体由于整体的黑色材料作为隐藏在森林里的宝藏。成为一种新的探索人与自然关系的可能性。成为一种探索如何跟自然共生的可能性?我们如何处理可持续发展的问题?项目本身将在2017年的四月开始建造。

Milian Expo Exhibition

2015年5月1日, JOA开间建筑参与了2015米兰世博会威尼斯分展馆的展场设计-“民以食为天”此次展览联合了中国文化宣传部,四川美术学院以及广州大石•馆。 整个展场的主题更紧密的探索了食品的制作加工流程,集合艺术和空间加以诠释,营造一种客乡却又身临其境的错觉。